Treatment Plans

Our approach to each customers lawn has many subtle variations.

The type of weed control and fertiliser used in each visit depends on the condition of the lawn, the prevailing weather, your soil type, and its current level of hydration.

There are however many common elements and seasonal timings which remain constant.

The Regular Essentials

Delivered to all customers on a rolling / no contract basis, available on a pay as you go basis or via direct debit.

Treatment 1 January to February - Moss Control

Traditional and reliable Iron Sulphate based Moss Control treatment.

Treatment 2 March to Mid-May - Spring Treatment

Balanced fertiliser with quickstart and slow release properties, ensures a healthy start to the growth cycle.

Broad leaf weed control as required.

Treatment 3 May to 10th July - Summer Treatment

Slow release long lasting fertiliser PLUS primary weed control targeting all weed types commonly found on lawns.

Summer Break

10th July - August. Staff summer break and optional Scarification related work only.

Treatment 4 September to October - Autumn Treatment

Balanced fertiliser for the crucial Autumn Growth cycle & lawn appearance. Plus secondary Weed control targeting all common lawn weeds.

Treatment 5 November to December - Early Winter Treatment

Minerals, Seaweed extracts and micronutrients plus soil improving organic compounds. A must for soil fertility.

The five parts of our annual programme are formulated and timed to complement each other. We use no repeat products or ingredients.

Our Regular Treatment Plans

  • At the heart of our programme are 5 regular visits per year.
  • Each element is designed & formulated to work with the others, creating and maintaining a healthy lawn.
  • There are no repeat ingredients in our programme, the eagle eyed reader will note that we are unique in adding Organic soil improving compounds and bio stimulants to our regular cycle of treatments.
  • Our aim is to promote sustainable lawn health, this means caring for the grass and for the environment in which it lives.

The importance of a quality maintenance routine

It is not possible to have a sustainably healthy lawn, if the soil it lives in is infertile and impoverished. A handful of soil fit for growing organic vegetables will contain billions of microscopic living organisms!

Putting traditional fertiliser on lawns only provides the desired results if the soil itself is a living environment capable of allowing the grass to harvest the nutrients in the fertiliser.

A good lawn maintenance routine should include some elements which look after the soil and encourage a healthy population of beneficial microorganisms.

If your Lawn has particularly challenging soil conditions, for example: the heavy clay prevalent in many new build gardens, it is possible to add a wide range of soil augmentation treatments to our regular programme.

Over time these can achieve sustainable improvements to the biodiversity and fertility of all soil types. However, there is no `quick fix` to improving seriously problematic soil under a lawn and embarking on this journey needs some patience and determination!

It is extremely rare that we would agree to deliver a partial programme which excludes any of the 5 essential elements. You would be short-changing your lawn and settling for a diminished overall return.

Bespoke Options

There are a huge range of treatments which we can use to tackle lawn problems and to work towards a sustainable – lasting improvement in the health of your lawn. Listed on the graphic you will see the most commonly required items and the timing needed to derive most benefit.

Optional Extras

Indicative timings & typical price multiples

The optional extras that customers most often add to their lawns regular treatment programme are shown below.

Lawn Aeration Mid February - Mid March

Typical Pricing;

Twice regular treatment. Extra visit.

With or without powerful granular soil improver.

Spring Organic Treatment March - April

Typcial Pricing;

Twice regular treatment. Replaces regular mineral spring feed.

Summer Aid - Wetting Agent May - June

Typcial Pricing;

Twice regular treatment. Done with regular summer treatment.

Lawn Scarification August

Typcial Pricing;

3.5 times regular treatment. Extra visit.

Lawn Scarification + Over Seeding August

Typcial Pricing;

6 times regular treatment. Extra visit.

If option extra services are required we need advanced notice to secure a booking space.